Monday, February 6, 2012

until death do us part...

"Until Death Do Us Part..."

These words can seem so meaningless when we hear them and they become almost a joke or a slogan for many people, but to really consider the meaning of them is something great to grapple with in this day and age.  There have been a few things that have come up that have caused me to reflect on this concept in more detail...

Over Christmas, a friend of mine who is quite young got married to her fiancĂ©.  They had only been seeing each other (dating and engaged) for 9 months and many people were so skeptical of them.  Despite this sceptisism they remained obedient to God, whom they felt had called them to be together in the first place.  Their journey was not an easy one and many trials were placed between them leading up to their wedding but they remained faithful and obedient to their God and He brought them through.  Shortly after their marriage they invited me over to their new home and I was a little apprehensive about going but when I arrived I quickly saw such a great maturity and peace within them that I couldn't help but feel the same way.  Their obedience to their Father in Heaven is seen so clearly through who they are and how they live...even just the look in their eyes.

A few weeks ago, a middle aged friend of mine was celebrating her wedding anniversary.  Her and her husband had been married for 10 years and she proudly proclaimed this through her Facebook status which said:
~~"wishing my husband of 10 yrs!!! A wonderful Anniversary :0) We definitely didn't start out best friends (lol) but have grown a love that is stronger, beautiful, and long lasting!! And built on the rock, Our Lord Jesus Christ!"~~
Reading this really touched my heart and nearly brought me to tears at the whole concept of being together through thick and thin....staying together and working through life together even when it would be easier to 'quit'... Reading this caused me to pray that God could bless my (one day) husband and I to have endurance and strong faith and reliance on Him.

Today, I was sitting in the medical centre's parking lot waiting for someone to finish their appointment.  As I waited I saw an elderly couple walking side by side into the medical centre.  When I looked closer I noticed a wire of some sort that was attached to both of them so I looked a little closer and realized that woman had a breathing apparatus which was connected to a small machine.  The woman had the wire in her nose and her husband, who patiently walked beside her, was holding the machine in his hand!

This was so inspiring and took my breath away!  How beautiful a picture it is that even when both have lost their beauty, they remain each others' best friends and even when they are weak and dying, they support each other and walk the distance side by side.

This past Sunday, I went out for lunch after church and a couple (from the church) who is in their 60s was there.  They began to tell my friend and I the story of how they met, the challenges they faced, when they started dating and got married.  They are both wonderful Godly people and truly listened and waited for God's voice in the matter of who He would have each of them spend their life with.  The man talked about how he knew she was the one he would marry and how knowing that she loved the Lord was a huge part of that decision.  He encouraged my friend and I in regards to the future, to wait on God as He does have someone for each of us and He will represent us well.  

As I have observed may different relationships, some of which I consider to be healthy and some not so healthy, one thing that I notice that is the case with them all is that their lives don't have to be exciting everyday.  marriage is not exciting everyday and there may not be something new everyday but it is living life, the ordinary and the extraordinary, together with your best friend and soul mate.  This doesn't mean that you won't fight or have your differences, just like in any friendship, but it means that no matter what happens you are there for each other in the long run. see such an image of God and Christ through relationships like this and I can't help but long for one.

I have experienced broken relationships with men who are not honouring to God and have little plans for a future for themselves and I know of a broken heart...but I also have seen and felt the great blessing of having companionship, even in the wrong timing, with the wrong person...I can't begin to imagine the immense blessing of fellowship and oneness with someone who is also one with my Lord and who shares my heart and desires.  

I cannot wait for this time when God decides, and brings that man into my life and sometimes I feel rather impatient about the whole thing as this longing for my best friend grows stronger, but I am determined to trust my father and wait on the great plans that He has for me.

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